Sunday, August 28, 2011

Vegetable Lasanga


Lasanga Noodles - 4 stripes
Tomato puree -2 cups
Finely chopped Garlic - 4
Finely chopped Onions- 1
Brocolli florets - few
Zucchini - 1 cup
Squash - 1 cup
Salt to taste
Olive oil -1 tbs
Bell pepper -1
Egg Plant - few circular slices
Mozzarella cheese- 1/2 cup
Ricotta cheese- 1/2 cup (optional)
Cheddar cheese- 1/2 cup
Parmesian cheese- 1/2 cup
Parsley leaves chopped - 1/2 cup
Coriander leaves  chopped - 1/2 cup
Spinach chopped - 1/2 cup


1) Boil the lasanga noodles, drain the water and keep aside.
2) In a pan add olive oil and fry finely chopped garlic and onions for 2 minutes.
3) Add chopped bell pepper to the pan and fry well.
4) Add salt to the pan and mix well.
5) Now add egg plant slices and cook for 5 minutes.
6) Add zucchini, sqaush and brocolli and cook for another 5 minutes.
7) Add coriander leaves,spinach leaves to the pan and mix well.
8) Add the tomato puree to the pan mix well and cook it for 5 to 10 minute siwth the closed lid and switch off the stove.
9) Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
10)Spread 1/2 cup of tomato mixture in the bottom of a 8-inch rectangular baking dish.
11) Arrange the cooked lasanga noodles on top of teh micture.
12) Top the noodles with ricotta cheese or mozarella cheese and cover the top with tomato mixture.
13) repeat the layers ending with lasanga noodles on top.
14) Spread the remaining tomato mixture over  the noodles and sprinkle parmesian , cheddar ,mozarella cheese  and parsley.
15) Cover and bake for 30 minutes and uncover and bake for 20 minutes in the oven.
16) Let it stand for 10 minutes after taking out from oven before serving.

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