Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bombay Chutney


Besan Flour - 1 cup
Finely chopped green chillies - 4
Finely chopped Onions -1
Salt to taste
Water- as required
Finely chopped potato - 1/2
Coriander leaves - for garnish
Curry leaves - few
Mustard seeds - 1/4 tsp
Oil - 2 tsp


1) In a bowl add besan and water and mix well so that there are no lumps and set aside.
2) In a round bottomed pan heat oil and add curry leaves,mustard seeds , chopped green chillies and onions and fry well till golden brown.
3) Add salt and mix well.
4) Add chopped potato to the pan and fry well.
5) Add the besan mixture to the pan and stir constantly so that it will not from lumps.
6) Add more water if required.
7) After stirring the mixture starts thickening.
8) Sprinkle the coriander leaves as garnish.
9) Serve hot with poori.

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