Monday, February 7, 2011

Mirchi bajji


Bajji Mirchi - 6
Vaamu/Carom seeds - 1 tsb
Gram Flour/Senaga pindi - 1 glass
Rice Flour/Beeyam pindi - 1 tsb
All purpose flour/Maida - 1 tsb
Cooking soda/Vanta Soda - pinch
Salt  to taste
Finely chopped onions - 1
Lemon Juice - 1 tsb
Red chilli powder - 1/2 tsb
Water as required
Oil for deep fry


1) Dry roast Carom seeds and keep them aside to cool.
2) Grind the carom seeds and make a fine powder.
3) Take a bowl and add Carom seeds powder, 2 tsb of Gram flour, salt and mix well.
4) Take the chillies and make a slit with knife on one side and remove the seeds and keep aside.
5) Open the green chillies with left hand fingers and take the above mixed powder with right hand fingers and stuff it inside the chillies and remove the excess powder by tapping.
6) Take a bowl and add gram flour,rice flour, all purpose flour, salt,cooking soda and water and mix well to make batter.
7) Make sure that the batter is not too thin and not too thick and should be in right consistency so that it sticks to the green chillies when dipped.
8) Keep the batter aside for 10 minutes.
9) Heat oil in a pan and when the oil is hot enough for deep fry switch the flame to medium.
10) Dip the chillies in the batter and place them in oil and fry them on both sides till golden brown.
11) Place them on tissue to drain excess oil.
12) Take a bowl and add finely chopped Onions,salt, red chilli powder and lemon juice and mix well.
13) Serve hot with the onions and enjoy it with hot tea or coffee.

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