Monday, November 12, 2012

Shankarpaara/Maida Biscuits


All purpose flour/ Maida- 1 cup
Ghee- 1/2 cup
Milk - 1/4 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Oil for deep fry


1) In a bowl add ghee and milk and microwave it for 30 seconds and mix well.
2) Add sugar to the bowl and mix well till the sugar is melted.
3) Now add all purpose flour just 1 tbs at a time and mix well so that it will not form any lumps and make it as  dough.
4) Make sure that the dough is not too soft or not hard.
5) cover the dough and set it aside for 30 minutes.
6) Make small balls out of dough as we do for chapathi and roll it a bit thick.
7) Now cut the dough in diamond shape with a knife or Pizza cutter.
8) Heat oil in a pan and fry them till golden brown.
9) Let it cool and serve them.

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