Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Lasagna with mushrooms and Kale


Chopped Onions -1
Chopped garlic -3 cloves
Kale leaves - 1 bunch
Crimini mushrooms - 1 lb
Chopped jalapenos -2
Salt to taste
Olive oil - 1 tbsp
Eggs -2
Tomato Puree -2 cups
Parmesian cheese - 1 cup
Mozzarella cheese -1 cup
Lasagna noodles - 6 sheets
Water -1/2 cup


1) Boil water in a pan and cook lasagna noodles half way and keep aside by draining all the water.
2) Clean kale leaves, remove stem, tear the leaves and cook them in boiling water by adding salt till the leaves become tender, drain water and keep aside.
3) Add oil in a pan and add chopped garlic, onions,jalapenos and fry till onions turn golden brown.
4) Add some salt and mushrooms and cook them for 3 minutes.
5) Add tomato puree ad water to the pan and mix well and cook for about 15 minutes on low heat and keep aside.
6) When the kale leaves cool add parmesian cheese(1/4 cup) ,2 eggs to kale leaves and mix well.
7) Spray the 9x12 oven safe pan with non stick spray and lay 3 half cooked lasagna noodles across the bottom.
8) Add half the mushroom sauce on top of noodles and spread well so that the noodles are covered.
9) Add kale mixture on top of this and sread well.
10) Sprinkle some parmesian and mozzarella cheese on top of kale mixture.
11) Repeat with another layer of noodles, mushroom mixture, kale mixture and cheese.
12) Cover the pan with foil and cook for 20 minutes.
13) Take off the foil and cook for another 20 minutes and serve hot.

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