Monday, May 23, 2011

Fish Fry with Vegetable sides


Fish fillets - 4
Salt to taste
Pepper - 1/4 tsp
Dried Parsley - 1 tsp
Lime juice - 1 tsp
Fish Masala powder - 1 tsp
Sliced Carrot - 1
Sliced Onions - 1/2
Cherry Tomatoes - 4
Minced Garlic - 2 cloves
Sqaush - 1
Zucchini -1 
Soy Sauce - 1 tsp
Dry Red chillies - 2
Olive oil - 2 tsp


1) In a bowl place fish fillets and add salt, pepper, fish masala and apply the ingredinets to the fish on both sides and set aside to marinate.
2) Heat oil in a pan and add curry leaves, dry red chillies, garlic and Onions and fry till golden brown.
3) Add salt,beans and carrot to the pan and cook well for 7 minutes.
4) Add squash, zucchini and cherry tomatoes and cook for another 5 minutes.
5) Add soysauce once the vegetables are cooked and mix well for 2 minutes and set aside.
6) Just apply few drops of oil in a pan and place the marinated fish and fry on one side.
7) Sprinkle dried parsley on other side of the fish.
8) Now flip the fish and fry on other side too.
9) Continue the same process for other fillets too.
10) In a plate place the fish on one side nad place the veggies on other side and serve hot.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I must try making this at home. It looks amazingly good! :)
