Sunday, October 17, 2010

Puffed rice snack/ Atukula snack


Puffed Rice/Atukulu - 2 Cups
Curry leaves - hand full
Ground nuts - 1/2 cup
Cashew Nuts - 1/2 cup
Pappulu/chik pea - 1/2 cup
Red chillies - 5
Dry Coconut Slices - 1/2 cup
Sugar - 1 tsb
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsb
Salt  to taste
Oil - 3 tsb


1) Enire process should be done on low flame.
2) Heat oil in a kadai and add curry leaves, groundnuts, cashew nuts,dry Coconut slices, chik peas, red chillies and fry them till golden brown.
3) Add salt and Turmeric powder to the kadai.
4) Add Puffed rice to the kadai and mix well .
5) Don't stop mixing it else it will burn at the bottom.
6) Once you listen some spluttering sound switch of the stove and keep the mixture aside and let it cool.
7) When its cooled add Sugar to it and mix well.
8) Serve it as a snack.


Add Sliced onions , chopped green chillies and add some lemon juice to have it as a chat.

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