Monday, January 31, 2011

Guthivankaya koora / Stuffed Brinjal Curry


Small Brinjals- 1 kg
Coriander seeds- 100gms
Roasted Peanuts - 1 cup
Fenu Greek seeds- 5
Seseme seeds- few
Cumin seeds- 2tsb
Mustard seeds- 2tsb
Ginger garlic paste-2tsb
Dry Red chillies - 100gms
Tamarind pulp - 1/2 cup
Red Chilli powder - optional
Finely chopped Onions -2
Curry Leaves- 2 strings
Coriander Leaves - 1 Cup
Turmeric Powder - 1/2 tsb
Oil as required
Salt to taste


1) Dry Roast Coriander seeds,Fenu greek seeds,Cumin seeds and Dry red chillies and keep aside.
2) Add roasted Peanuts and the dry roasted Ingredients and grind it to powder.
3) Microwave lemon size Tamarind in water for 15 seconds and make it as pulp.
4) Add Finely chopped Onions,tamarind and salt to the grinded powder and make a thick paste.
5) Donot add water at any point of  preparing the paste for stuffing.
6) Divide the paste into 2 portions one for stuffing and the other for gravy.
7) Take each green brinjal and on the end, opposite of stem, make a cross shape slit towards stem side but not all the way through (one vertical and one horizontal slit).
8) Stuff the paste into the brinjal and keep aside.
9)Heat oil in a pan and add Mustard seeds, curry leaves, ginger garlic paste and fry for few seconds.
10) Add the remaining paste to the pan and pour half to one glass of water and mix well so that it will not form lumps.
11) Add turmeric powder and mix well.
12) Can add rec hilli powder if extra spice is required.
13) Now add the stuffed brinjal to tha pan and cook them on low flame by closing the lid.
14) After 8 to 10 minutes open the lid and roll the brinjals to the other side.
15) Cook untill the brinjals are well cooked and garnish with finely chopped coriander leaves.
16) Serve hot with Rice or Roti.

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