Thursday, March 31, 2011

Kakarakai Fry /Bitter gourd Fry


Bitter Gourd - 4
Garlic cloves - 2
Curry leaves - few
Salt to taste
Red Chili powder - 1/2 tsp
Oil for Deep fry


1) Scrap outside of  Bitter gourd and set aside.
2) Nip the two ends of the bitter gourd.
3) Now cut the bitter gourd into circuar shape and remove the seeds from them.
4) Heat oil in a pan and deep fry the pieces till golden brown.
5) Set the fried bitter gourd on tissue to drain excess oil.
6) Heat 1 tsp oil in a pan and add mashed garlic cloves, curry leaves and fry well.
7) Add fried bitter gourd to the pan and mix well.
8) Add salt and red chili powder and mix well.
9) Serve as a side dish with Mudda Pappu and rice.

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