Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bendakaya Karam Pulusu


Bendakayalu / Okra - 1/4 kg
Finely chopped Onions - 1
Finely chopped Tomato- 1
Curry leaves - few
Mustard seeds - 1/4 tsp
Curd - 1 tsp
Tamarind - 1 small lemon size
Red chili powder - 1 tsp
Coriander Powder - 2 tsp
Water -1 cup
salt to taste
Oil - 2 tsp


1) Soak Tamarind in warm water and extract juice from it and set aside.
2) Heat oil in a pan and add mustard seeds, curry leaves and when the mustard seeds pop add finely chopped Onions and fry them till golden brown.
3) Add chopped Okra and fry well for 5 minutes.
4) Add 1 tsb of curd to the pan and mix well , this helps in reducing the glue from Okra.
5) Add Tamarind juice and mix well.
6) Add salt, Red chili powder, coriander powder and mix well.
7) Add chopped Tomato and let it cook for 3 minutes.
8) Add water and let it boil for another 7 minutes.
9) Serve hot with Rice.

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